Sunday, December 30, 2012

N-Sights for 2013


 The beginning of this new year finds many of us in a state of guarded optimism.  We successfully maneuvered our way through last month’s long-awaited portals of 12-12-12 and 12-21-12.  Some claim to feel the fabled “shift” of energy that the two gateways brought.  Others find they are still stuck in life circumstances that appear to be hindering forward progress.  So what can we really expect from 2013?  Will our path be an easier one? 
From a numerology perspective, 2013 is a Number Six Universal Year.  Although the Number Six symbolizes many things, I prefer to summarize the potential of its vibration with the words “love” and “well being.”  As I’ve often noted, the Number Six resembles an abstract Madonna and child.  Indeed, the vibration of Six offers us the potential of all that we aspire to if we are living “Heaven on Earth.”  These things include:  romantic love, harmony with our families and friends, beauty in our home and surroundings, nourishing food, abundant financial supply, schools that offer us not only specialized knowledge but life skills and spiritual truth, effective health care that is both affordable and non-toxic, public safety in our communities and countries, and a legal system that guarantees us justice will be served.
Notice that the above is very utopian and a contrast to the reality of our present time.  Very significant in an unfortunate way is the tragedy of the recent shootings at the Sandy Hook school.  If we take this event as a vibrational symbol of our times, we have this past year’s Five Universal energy colliding with this new year’s Six.  Five’s energy can be chaotic, violent and shocking.  Yet it is often a vibration that alerts us to the truth of our circumstances and paves the way for change and reform. 

The sad event of Sandy Hook, I believe, is a “sign”, if you will, that we must assign ourselves the task of first ensuring our own personal safety, looking under the surface for unseen forces that pose a threat to our well being and then taking steps to eliminate them. 

Collectively we are more accepting of massive violence when it takes place in Third World countries or in the recesses of a crime-ridden inner city.  The outrage of Sandy Hook is that it took place in a locale where all on the surface was safe and peaceful. This is our lesson, in my opinion – to understand that each one of us can not, at this point, take our safety and well being for granted.  As we work individually and collectively to make our lives, our country and our world not only safe, but filled with love, respect and kindness for our fellow humans, we can indeed make great strides in creating the world of our dreams. This coming year gives us that opportunity.

Each one of you will be also working on your own personal theme for the coming year.  Calculate your Personal Year Number using the directions below.  Then scroll down for a few words that capsule the categories your lessons are likely to be comprised of during 2013.
To determine your Personal Year Number:
Add the number representing your month of birth to the number which represents your day of birth and reduce this number to a single digit.  Add this number to the Number 6 (our Universal Year Number).  Reduce  the sum of these two numbers to a
single digit.  This is the number of your Personal Year.

If your Personal Year is:
ONE  ---- Your lessons involve initiative, leadership, independence, making new starts, and claiming your authentic self.
TWO ---- Your lessons involve relationships, teamwork, cooperation, patience and making choices.
THREE ---- Your lessons involve communication, focus, creativity and staying optimistic.
FOUR  ---- Your lessons involve diligence, prudence, creating financial security, and organization.
FIVE ---- Your lessons involve change, new directions, constructive use of freedom and avoiding excess.
SIX ---- Your lessons involve romantic and family relationships and your responsibilities to others.
SEVEN ---- Your lessons involve spirituality, faith and trust in a higher power.
EIGHT ---- Your lessons involve leadership, endurance and financial management.
NINE ----    Your lessons involve gratitude, aspects of giving and receiving and also tests of character and lessons learned in the past.

Each month throughout this coming year I will be spotlighting the Universal lessons that are offered us and sharing guidance from angels, archangels, ascended masters and other Divine beings as the messages are given to me.  If you would like to have a  preview of my insights for the entire year now, please e-mail me at for information on obtaining your Universal calendar and receiving guidance from a special teleclass I am conducting this January.
In conclusion, I offer this upbeat New Year’s Day song video by Carole King.  Very convincingly she assures us, “Everything’s gonna turn out all right.”
Individually and together we can make our year one of increased love, abundance, beauty and dreams come true.  Let’s get started!

Friday, November 30, 2012

N-Sights for December 2012


Well, here we are – at the beginning of the month made famous in legends and prophecies with two much-heralded dates:  12-12-12 and 12-21-12.   We have been told about the Mayan calendar ending this month with some saying this means the “end of the world”.  Others say that this represents the end of a 5000 year cycle and that a new one begins. 
Astronomers have documented that on December 21st, the Winter Solstice, our Earth and Sun are lined up with Alcyone,  the Great Central Sun of our galaxy.  Whatever you believe – or don’t believe – I offer my numerologist’s perspective of the Universal energies of this month and the two special dates.  Laying aside prophecy and legend and just looking at our calendar from a number perspective, I will demonstrate that this month is definitely special in terms of the energies we transit.
December 2012 is a number Eight Month in a Five Universal Year.  We arrive at Eight as a month number by adding the “12” of December to the year number “2012”.  1+ 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2  = 8   In numerology, Eight represents strength, power, mastery, and justice. According to Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker in their book, Numerology and the Divine Triangle, “8 stands for involution and evolution, for cycles of ebb and flow, infinity, rhythm, advancement, strength and confidence.”
As I’ve observed before, the Number Eight, on its side, is the infinity symbol.  As we have, in this month, the Five Universal Year energy of birth and rebirth, I interpret the potential of this month to mean that we are at the center of the infinity symbol.  The energy has gone through a period of contraction to reach this point.  Now it is ready to expand and begin a new cycle. 
The repetition of the numbers “1” and “2” is something else to examine.  One is origination and creation.  It corresponds to the masculine.  Two is feminine and receptive and offers us a gateway or portal to manifest our thoughts.  Combining the “1” and the “2” allows us to interpret that we are entering a portal which allows us to create change. 
If we look at the day numbers of 12-12-12 and 12-21-12, both days add up to the master number Eleven.  Eleven, as it is configured, is the Number One, written twice.  (Eleven reduces to Two – thus we have both male and female energies merged.)  As I mentioned above, Eleven is considered to represent a portal which, when entered, takes us to a new space and dimension.  Thus, the numbers indicate that we are indeed headed toward a big power shift and an opportunity to change our lives.  I personally like to see this change as one which puts us in the position of having the wind at our backs.
This said, we are all on our paths of soul evolution, so each one of us will have a different experience as we travel through this potentially significant month.  Hopefully, you and I have done a lot to rid ourselves of “old stuff” that no longer serves us and that we are clear about the direction in which we want to head and what we want to accomplish.  If we have not done the preparation, our progress may be slowed, but it is my belief that we should still find ourselves in an environment that is more supportive of our soul mastery and our ability to manifest on the Earth plane the things that make our lives richer on a material level.  After all, the Number Eight is composed of two circles, the top one representing Heaven and the bottom one representing Earth indicating that as we balance our lives with the spiritual and the material we have the potential to experience “Heaven on Earth!”
Following are brief hints about where you might like to focus your intention this month based on the Personal Month you are transiting.  I’ve purposely made these references abbreviated as it is not my style to tell others what to do or what is going to happen.  I believe that, when given a few clues, you will find your own way in your own time with your own lessons.  All of these directives involve clearing old stuck energy that has been standing in your way of going forward in this lifetime.  (There are other energies to clear as well.  Those named below are related to what you said you came here to learn in this lifetime.)
To determine your Personal Year Number:  

Add the number representing your month of birth to  the number which represents your day of birth and reduce this number to a  single digit.  Add this number  to the Number 5 (our Universal Year Number).  Reduce  the sum of these two numbers  to a single digit.  This is  the number of your Personal Year.

If your Personal Year is:
ONE         Issues of personal security and finances
TWO        Change and reinvention
THREE     Beauty, love. abundance and speaking your truth
FOUR      Spiritual attunement
FIVE        Standing up for your beliefs, professional change
SIX          Giving and receiving; leaving the past behind
SEVEN    Starting over
EIGHT     Mastering relationships, inspiring and teaching others
NINE      Patience; changing your perspective; generosity
If you would like more insight into the energies of this month, please e-mail for the link to the 12-12-12 teleseminar hosted by noted astrologer, Kelly Beard.  I am honored to be a guest on the program along with beautifully inspirational angel channeler, Shanta Gabriel.  You will learn more about the secret code of this month's Universal number transits as well as receive personal guidelines from Kelly to utilize as we transit this extraordinary time of transformation.  The teleseminar is taking place on Wednesday, December 5th at 9:00 PM EasternTime and 6:00 PM Pacific Time.  Please e-mail me at for the access numbers to listen live or, if you read this after December 5, 2012 for the replay link.
Angel by Alice Popkorn, Digital Artist
This December, may the force be with you – and may it make your heart sing with joy!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

N-Sights for November 2012


Moon Goddess   Artist:  A. Zampino

If this year were a voyage in a sailboat, November is the month that our boat gets becalmed in the darkness of midnight.   And – as we are enveloped in stillness, we have plenty of time to think about and analyze the circumstances of our lives. 
November 2012 is a Seven Universal Month in a Five Universal Year.  We experienced similar energy in February of this year which was also a Seven Universal Month.  This time, though, there are likely to be more tests to master.  November is an Eleven Month, which offers one of the major testing numbers.  The sun is in Scorpio, the planet of deep transformation – and – to top things off, we officially begin a Mercury retrograde period on November 6 which lasts until November 26th.  The shadow of Mercury retrograde has already begun, and, depending on the source you refer to, the shadow will last one to three weeks beyond its official end.  Those born under the sign of Scorpio (particularly those who were born in November and those who have Scorpio prominent in their astrology charts) are the ones who will most likely experience the energy of this month most deeply.
According to astrologer Kelly Beard (, the Scorpio Gate of Power gets activated now.  She advises that it’s time to check in with our souls and go deeper into the self to eliminate anything truly done with and to prepare for a sacred “rebirth” to take place.  She says, “Scorpio always teaches you about your own Authentic Power and what you are creating with it.”
As illustrations this month I've chosen the moon (symbol of our feminine intuitive self in the forefront this Eleventh month) and water (part of both the Scorpio and the Seven energy).  Think of how sitting in the moonlight by water forces us to use our internal guidance as we are unable to see what is obscured by darkness.  In this way, we hone our skills of perceiving beyond the three dimensional world.
So…back to where I began.  For most of us, this is a month to analyze and evaluate our circumstances and work on eliminating our inner roadblocks rather than forging ahead.  We repeat the Seven energy in January 2013 – but without the Mercury and Scorpio effects, so we’ll be in a better position to at least begin to regain our momentum.
Even our government here in the United States will be becalmed.  No matter the outcome of the Presidential and other elections (and no, I’m not predicting the outcome – too many variables here!) – elected officials as well as individuals and corporations affected by the outcomes will be assessing the results and planning their strategy come the new year.  With perfect synchronicity, the November time period is, indeed, a good time to plan but not act.
Now, considering all the above, life goes on, and some of you may actually be making changes in career, home and relationships this month – although with Mercury retrograde you may find that  further change and adjustments take place down the road.  With regard to any impending change, if your heart says “yes”, follow its lead and know that all is in Divine perfect order.
Following I’ve briefly outlined some possibilities that may manifest for you this month based on your Personal Year Number.   Note that these ideas are far from being all-inclusive as we are all in the process of co-creating different experiences.  Your Personal Year Number is one factor which offers you guidance to planning your life activities and creating positive outcomes.

To determine your Personal Year Number:
Add the number representing your month of birth to  the number which represents your day of birth and  reduce this number to a single digit.  Add this number  to the Number 5 (our Universal Year Number).  Reduce  the sum of these two numbers  to a single digit.  This is  the number of your Personal Year.
If your Personal Year is:

If you feel your intended progress is stalled, know that we all deserve a “time out”.  Tune in to your inner child and indulge in your favorite pastimes.

This is an excellent month for deep transformative work, especially where relationships are concerned.  Progress can occur with any health issues you are addressing.  How would you like to restructure your life?  Tune in to your intuition.  The answers await you.
It’s time for constructive change.  While others are paused in their tracks, you are one of those who may move or make a new start with job or lifestyle.
Family and personal relationships are likely to take center stage.  You may feel torn between your own needs and your responsibilities to others.
This is your month for spiritual inspiration and regeneration.  Allow yourself time off to rest and regroup in settings
that sooth and inspire you.  Postpone any desired changes until December or the coming year.
This can be an excellent month for business and personal financial planning.  The key word is “planning.”  Postpone any
action steps until Mercury is well out of retrograde.  The end of December or January 2013 are favorable for initiating desired changes.
This is a time of endings for you.  Let go of everything that’s not working in your life.  Be forgiving of others and practice gratitude.   Use caution and prudence in health and diet matters.  
Conserve your energy and be sure to give yourself extra downtime for relaxation.
A new start is on your horizon.  Although it’s not the time to begin, do the research and preparation to launch your intended changes in 2013.  Visualizing your desired outcomes this month will help you manifest them down the road.
Relationships tests are likely to be unavoidable this month.  What relationships should end?  Which ones need to be more
harmonious?  Remember, teamwork and compromise will get you everywhere!
White Gardenias II    Artist:  Andrea Smith
In conclusion, this is a good month to “be” rather than “do,” tune in to your intuition for guidance, and do what nourishes you spiritually.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

N-Sights for October 2012


Two of Cups - Receptive Love
Those of you who know me and my work know that I believe in being the eternal optimist both personally and with regard to numerology.  In doing numerology forecasts, I prefer to touch on the best possible outcomes and to advise using numerology to plan and time positive life changes. I’m happy to report that the numbers for October 2012 are just about the best that they can be in terms of potential.

October is a Six Universal Month in a Five Universal Month.  As Six symbolizes love, abundance and well being and five symbolizes change, we can use the symbolism to our advantage to welcome loving relationships, family harmony, home beautification, good health and abundance into our lives.
The Number Six also relates to government, civic responsibilities, politics, the media, the legal system and education.  With the forthcoming presidential elections occurring on November 6th, we are likely to see evidence of more people expressing themselves, taking a stand on issues and advocating what they deem to be appropriate change.  Even though this is a “normal” behavior for any pre-election period, the Six vibration is likely to intensify people’s patriotism and desire to speak up and act to support their candidates of choice as well as to campaign for reform.

As I note every year, October is considered “preview month” as it’s Universal Month Number is the same as the Universal Year Number for  2013.  Thus we may be be given hints or see “themes” in the events we encounter in October that are indicators of the experiences that we are destined to have throughout the forthcoming year.
Following I’ve briefly outlined some possibilities that may manifest for you this month based on your Personal Year Number.  Note that these ideas are far from being all-inclusive as we are all in the process of co-creating different experiences.  Your Personal Year Number is one factor which offers you guidance to planning your life activities and creating positive change.

To determine your Personal Year Number:

Add the number representing your month of birth to  the number which represents your day of birth and  reduce this number to a single digit.  Add this number  to the Number 5 (our Universal Year Number).  Reduce  the sum of these two numbers  to a single digit.  This is  the number of your Personal Year.

If your Personal Year is:

Relationships take center stage this month as they will during 2013.  Peaceful diplomacy and patience will get you the
results you seek.
Tiernamente    Artist:  Aldo Luongo

Take time off for fun, socializing and adding beauty to your life and surroundings.

Life may get a little more serious and labor intensive than it’s been in the past months.   Review your finances and get a
start on your 2013 budget.  You’ll be ahead of the game next January.  You may find family concerns a priority.
What life changes do you long for?  Make your “wish list” or vision board. The Universe may give you some instructions for
attracting your dreams.
Family Harmony

Changes in home, family, and/or relationships are indicated.  Responsibilities to others may take precedence over
fulfilling your own needs.  It’s also an opportune time to address health issues.
Receive insight and guidance for any family and/or material concerns by seeking answers from your source of spiritual
nourishment.  Take time to be in solitude for rest and reflection.

More Family Harmony
You may experience more energy and stamina now than you have in months!  Your motors are revving up for an action-oriented
year in 2013.

You’ve had a year of effort.  Pull back and put yourself into “coast” position.  Both challenges and rewards may come your
way.  Look for reunions with people from your past.

You’ve gone through a year of letting go of the old.  Now what do you want new in your life?  Make your list to begin the
steps to manifesting in 2013.
Remember to keep your thoughts positive even if you find yourself in challenging circumstances.  May this month of October nourish and support you in abundantly harvesting your dreams!

Friday, August 31, 2012

N-Sights for September 2012


Wings  -  The Arts Company
Here we are!  The momentum’s been building all year leading up to this month of September 2012:  Our Five Universal Month in a Five Universal Year has arrived.  Imagine that you’re on a roller coaster that’s been making a slow ascent up a very steep incline.  Now – here you are – like it or not – ready for the accelerated peaks and valleys of the ride back down.  Fasten your seat belt!  A new journey begins!
Five is a number that gives us swift and unexpected changes and opens us up to new and progressive ideas.  Five can give us the thrill of new and unanticipated romantic and sexual attractions showing up without warning – the "seeing a stranger across a crowded room and suddenly you know" kind of event.  Five can be an accident or event that seems tragic yet points the way to new opportunities and success.  Five is fast and dangerous, loves risk-taking and gambling against the odds.  Five can be explosive devastation or amazing opportunities.  Five flaunts convention and embraces the unusual.  Watch out!  Five can lure us into addictions but also birth us into a new world of freedom and relief.
Butterfly Nebula  -

The question is:  How is the Number Five going to affect your life this month?  Are you going to wake up one morning and, like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, find that you’re not in Kansas any more?
The odds are that very few of you reading this will experience an event that changes your life overnight.  (And life-changing experiences can occur with all the other number vibrations as well.)  However, even if very subtle, I venture that all of you reading this will have “something” different in your life by the time we’ve finished transiting the days of September.  Perhaps you already have an idea what that can be.  If not, here are some guidelines for you to peruse.  First, though, you need to determine the number of your Personal Year which always has its peak energy during September.

To determine your Personal Year Number:

Add the number representing your month of birth to the number which represents your day of birth and reduce this number to a single digit.  Add this number to the Number 5 (our Universal Year Number).  Reduce the sum of these two numbers  to a single digit.  This is the number of your Personal Year.

Following I’ve briefly outlined some possibilities that may manifest for you this month… (Note:  I’m offering what I deem to be pleasant and positive outcomes --best to focus on these!)
If your Personal Year is:

A whole new “life makeover” is in the charts for you.  If you have a yen to start over, this is your time! You’re starting a new nine-year cycle of experience.

A change in relationships, a change in career, a move – one or more are likely for you this month.

Time to create a “new image” for yourself and your surroundings.  Shopping,  socializing, and travel can be energizing as well as trips to the spa.  Watch overspending and overindulging, however!

It's likely you may seek change in your life, but feel "locked in" to your current circumstances.  Take heart!  By month's end and throughout next month, you can see some light at the end of the tunnel and gain some insights into how you can move forward.

If you can avoid change this month, you must have your feet stuck in quicksand or Super Glue® -- either that, or fear of change is keeping you in a holding pattern.   You have the wind at your back.  Take a leap and go for your dreams!

Relationships take center stage – romantic, marital, family, professional and personal.  Any rough edges need smoothing over – or – it’s on to a new pastures.  This is also an excellent time to move, buy and sell real estate as well as  decorate and remodel your home.

Get away from it all this month and take time in solitude to meditate and envision the changes you’d like in your life.  Travel to new destinations can be especially revitalizing, especially if they are near mountains or water.

Changes in your financial flow are apt to occur this month.  These can arrive via job changes, investments and financial planning, legal settlements and inheritance – or simply good  fortune arriving at your doorstep.

This is a month of endings and closure – releasing all you no longer need.  Say farewell and welcome the new future that awaits you in 2013.

Rapture -

In conclusion, may the energies of September bestow you with life upgrades that bring joy to your heart. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

N-Sights for August 2012


“The secret to a happy life is to realize that no matter what the situation, there’s a creative opportunity in it.”    -- Deepak Chopra
To those of you who have been praying for change in your life, August 2012 will likely position you to be on the brink of moving forward.  To anyone who has been enjoying the “status quo”, it is highly probable that you’ll receive guidance that a part of your life is about to shift to a different experience.  Let’s first look at the message of the Universal numbers that usher in August.

August 2012 is a Universal Four Month in a Universal Five Year.   August is the eighth month of the year, and its numeric symbol is Eight.  I invite you to meditate on the messages of each of these three numbers – Four, Five and Eight – and determine what conclusion you draw about their vibrational influence on our lives.

 Four  = Financial Security, Investments, Banking
 Five   = Change, Rebirth, Reinvention
 Eight = Large Corporations, Money, Power, Justice

Are you getting a picture of the types of changes that might be arriving?

From my study of numerology over the years I’ve learned that 4 and 8 in combination always indicate issues regarding money and material well being.  Four and Eight in combination with Five always indicate change.

Thus there is indication that the beginning of major shifts in the economy will begin to be seen in August in the way that cracks in the foundation of a building are indicators that the structure may collapse unless remedial action is taken.

Please know that I am a numerologist, Angel Therapist ®, and intuitive guide.  I do not consider myself to be a seer or psychic.  We can’t deny, however, that prominent economists and financial analysts along with leading metaphysical and spiritual leaders are all predicting that major changes in how commerce and banking are handled on an international level are inevitable. 

Those who are spiritually oriented see this trend as the fall of the patriarchal system of conducting business that has been predominant over the last five thousand years and which has fostered tyranny and greed as the prevailing modalities to amass what has been believed to be a finite supply of wealth.

Whatever your belief system, who (except the patriarchal proponents) can argue that a better, more equitable and stable way of endowing ourselves with material wealth that has unlimited potential for all people would be a desirable alternative?  I believe from August and going forward we will have an acceleration of “economic correction factors” that will ultimately result in the above method that insures financial well being for each individual and each nation.

The changes that can bring about just and healthy economic practices among the world’s people can be perceived as
“calamity” or “correction.”

If you view changes as “calamity” you can easily get caught up in fearful thoughts that, collectively speaking, can manifest a “worst case” scenario. Those who see change as bringing us ultimately into an abundant and stable world as I do can help create that reality by viewing change as constructive even if at times inconvenient and forcing uncomfortable restrictions.

Since essentially my own work with clients and my forecasts address ways that you as individuals can create lives that are filled with more peace, love, contentment and fulfillment, I’ll leave behind the “big picture language of numbers” and offer ways that each of us can use the energies of August in the most productive way. I believe that, as everything has polarity, maintaining only the most optimistic outlook can help create the reality that corresponds in your own life as well as for the collective whole.

Bear in mind that the Number Four also relates to diet and physical well being as well as your home and factors that contribute to its being a secure and nurturing haven.

Four demands effort and discipline, one of the many lessons we are here to master. This month, especially, it is an auspicious time to use positive thoughts and visualization along with other support specialists to create:

 Shifts in Your Financial Situation
 Shifts in Your Livelihood
 Shifts in Your Home Situation
 Shifts in Your Physical Well Being

Fear-based thoughts, not events, are your enemy.  If you are open to asking for assistance from non-physical support energies such as angels, ascended masters and Divine beings from ancient cultures, by all means call on them.

Archangel Michael, especially, is available to help you overcome fear and be courageous as well as help in procuring everything you need.  Here are some other resources from the realms of Spirit to call on for assistance. They are non-denominational, so feel free to call on them in ways that are compatible with your spiritual belief system.

Divine beings to help with finances:
 Archangel Ariel

Divine beings to help with health and diet:
 Archangel Raphael

Divine beings to help with career:
 Archangel Chamuel
 Archangel Michael

Divine beings to help clear your home of negative energies:
 Archangel Jophiel
 Kuan Yin

Remember, as you take constructive steps to make your life healthy and abundant and filled with loving relationships, you help all of us and the world to achieve the same.  The work you do this month will hold you in good stead as the winds of change arrive with full force in September.

What if this money tree were real?  Imagine that it is.
How would your life change?