Wednesday, February 29, 2012

N-Sights for March 2012


In this year of change, March beckons to us to find creative changes and solutions to the challenges in our lives, especially through allowing the Light to illuminate and express the Truth of our being.

There are three dominant number vibrations that we journey through this month:

THREE  --  March is the third month of the year.  Three invites us to express   ourselves, apply our creative skills,  and to spread   sunshine and light to others.  Three can also  be associated with good luck and   prosperity.

FIVE  -  Our Universal Year Number is Five.   We are in a year that supports new beginnings and progressive changes that break  with tradition.

EIGHT  -  The Universal Month Number is Eight.   Eight signals  tests of mastery, especially with regard to developing our courage,  strength and management of material resources.  It is also  a number that symbolizes   truth and justice and which rules  inheritance  and legal settlements.

If we examine all three of the above numbers as a unit and attempt an optimistic interpretation, we can come up with “Embracing our passions.  Progress with life mastery. A fortunate and possibly unexpected change in the flow of material abundance”.  Who is going to object to this type of occurrence?

Of course, as everything has a polarity, we can intuit the opposite happening:  “Overindulgence in the good things of life.  Sudden change of fortune with loss of material supply.”

Either way, I believe it is important to view the vibrations of March as being very auspicious.  Even if there is loss, this can set the stage and create the space for something even better to arrive in your life. As an aside, I will mention that if you have any tendency to addictions or cravings, be aware that you may be even more tempted this month.  I write this as I reach for another piece of chocolate – my weakness – that may be more than what is healthy for my body! 

As I’ve noted in previous forecasts, Eight on its side is the infinity symbol.  Everything is in a state of constant flow.  What goes around, comes around.  What is lost is restored.  It is especially important to be optimistic this month! 

As Eight is a number symbolizing judgment, this also applies to “self-judgment.”  Thus, this month is especially good timing to confront and master the truth of who you are.  In other words, as we are in a time when we are “seeing the Light” and allowing ourselves and our lives to be more light-filled, allowing yourself to own the full truth of your identity can bring miracles to you and your life.

Last fall, well known author, columnist and life coach, Martha Beck, advised Oprah’s Lifeclass audience to determine and confess the one thing they had kept hidden in their lives that they had the most shame or guilt about.  She went on to state that admiting and healing the emotion around this one issue would be amazingly therapeutic and life-changing.

If any of you reading this find this advice intriguing and choose to apply it to your own life, this is the month to do so.  You may find yourself in a process of mastery that liberates you to achieve much more of what you dream of in life.  Go for it!  ….And let the power of Eight  be the wind at your back!


And if you’d like to see the Martha Beck "The Truth Will Set You Free" interview that inspired me (I just watched it again!), click HERE for the link.  You will love hearing Martha reveal her own miraculous confrontation with “The Light” during surgery and how this experience resulted in embracing “Truth”  in her life in enriching ways that endure to this day.  Martha’s moving and engaging story of literally being embraced by “the Light” is at the beginning of the show and worth listening to just on its own if you are pressed for time.

In conclusion, since this is a month of potential luck with material supply and life turn-arounds, I’m offering this wonderful “magical” gift to you…Look at the butterfly picture below.  Do you see
the number “88” configured on its wing?

There is an auspicious angel message connected with this number which you have just accessed.  According to the Angel Numbers book by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. and Lynnette Brown, seeing the number “88” offers you the following message:

         “Great abundance is yours.  Prosperity is flowing
             to you in ever-increasing amounts.  Feel grateful
               and be sure to pass along the flow to others as
                  you feel guided.”

Believe --  and receive!!!  Love and blessings to all of you reading this for a month of transformation.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

N-Sights for February 2012


 FLY    Deborah Hill, Artist
Some of you inquired about why I discontinued my tradition of offering  personalized written forecasts at the start of the new year.  The truth of the matter is that my heart was not in it – and, in offering my services, I choose to offer only the types of programs that I enjoy researching and compiling.  This year I felt an energy shift that told me that there was more value in each one of us becoming empowered to create our own futures as we desire them to be.

Do any of the rest of you sense that we are in a new time/place/space?  Do you feel as I do that what we’ve always done isn’t going to cut it any more?

SET SAIL   Deborah Hill, Artist

The good news is, if you follow any of the spiritual leaders that I do, we now have the opportunity to more consciously create our reality in a way that brings us love, health, peace, joy, financial freedom and matching lifestyles free of past stresses, lack, fears, guilt and shame.

However, the question I ask is:  Are we immediately able to procure all the good things of life that are supposedly easier to access?

Personally, I don’t think so.  I believe it is absolutely possible to dramatically improve the quality of our lives much more quickly and easily than in the past.  However, I think we have to learn how to do the “conscious creating”.  If it is true that we are now being “rewired” to access higher wisdom and manifesting skills, then I believe we have to learn how to use our new equipment.  Just as toddlers learn to walk with a number of tumbles before they truly get the hang of it and graduate to running, skipping, hopping and jumping, we need to learn how to develop our potential for mastering manifesting.

BUTTERFLY DREAMS   Deborah Hill, Artist

February 2012 is a Universal Seven month.  As Seven is the number of envisioning, it stands to reason that we are supported this month in figuring out what it is that we actually desire to create.   This is not a month of action as much as it is a month of preparation.  There will be big opportunities for change for all of us arriving at the end of April and the beginning of May and continuing through September and October.  So are you ready to get ready?

For many of you, this can be an excellent month for a ‘life review” –   setting aside time for envisioning yourself in your “ideal” life with regard to health, career or path of service, relationships, money, home, recreation and spirituality. 

An exercise that can help you claify your goals, if you are called to do it, is the following:  Set aside a piece of paper for each life category listed in the previous paragraph.  Divide each piece of paper into two columns.   On the left column of the paper, write at the top “Ideal for Me”;  at the top of the right column write “Current Reality for Me”.  Then assess how far away you are from achieving your aspirations.  Who knows?  You might find that for some of the categories you are actually where you want to be!  --Or at least closer than you thought.

THE CREATION   Deborah Hill, Artist

Next, determine what might be standing in the way of your achieving your ideal circumstances.  This can be tricky because…if you are like most people, you inherited and/or acquired behavior patterns, beliefs and fears that stand between you and having what you want.  If you write that it's "lack of money" that prevents you from having what you desire, this can be one of your "false beliefs" even if your bank account balance is exceedingly low.

Fortunately, at this point in time, there is much support from many different resources that can assist you in accessing and overcoming the “hidden barriers” to your living a life that brings you not only contentment but also allows you to fulfill your highest potentials during your soul journey in human form on the planet.

Am I offering you “solutions” in this article?  No – I am not…However, I am envisioning ways that we can support each other in learning how to overcome past programming and blocks and use our new manifesting equipment for our empowerment and mastery. I have some ideas that you will be hearing about.  And, by the way, as a “student  of life”, I’m going to be doing my own list.  Shall we compare notes down the road?  Stay tuned!

STEP SOFTLY INTO LIFE    Deborah Hill, Artist