Thursday, January 31, 2013

N-Sights for February 2013


“The Master doesn’t try to be powerful,
thus she is truly powerful.”
                excerpted from the Tao Te Ching

Quan Yin by Sue Halstenberg

The Month’s Big Picture:

February is a Number Eight Universal Month in a Number Six Personal Year.  Nationally and globally we are more likely to see a focus on legal issues, justice, and contracts and agreements especially regarding health care, wealth and finance, large corporations, and government policies this month.    Eight also represents strength, power and mastery. If you have the Number Six, Number Eight and/or the Number Two prominent in your natal numerology chart, this month is likely to be relevant for you in some way regarding the above categories.

 Possibilities for Your Personal Month

Although your own natal numerology chart is unique to you and offers you directions for traveling the years, months and days of your life, there are some general energy trends which will prevail for you this February depending on the Personal Year you are transiting. 
To determine your Personal Year Number:

Add the number representing your month of birth to  the number which represents your day of birth and  reduce this number to a single digit.  Add this number  to the Number 6 (our Universal Year Number.)  Reduce  the sum of these two numbers to a single digit.  This is  the number of your Personal Year.
Quan Yin - Artist Unknown

Personal Month Guidelines

If your Personal Year is:

ONE  This is your month to indulge in the good things of life!  Socialize, dine out, seek beauty and wardrobe enhancements.    Caution:  Watch over-spending as well as ego-based   purchases to impress others.
TWO  Focus on financial and estate planning, home and family   matters.  Take a practical, teamwork-oriented approach   to your activities.
THREE This can be a lucky and sensuous month for you, and  Valentine’s Day is right up your alley.  If you’re single, a new love could appear.  Watch overindulgence in anything that can be addictive.

FOUR  Health, home and family matters predominate.  Be practical  and focus on what needs repairing in your life – whether it’s  your own health and fitness, your relationship with your mate,   your finances, remodeling your home or the perennial punch   list of household “fix-its.”
FIVE  While others tackle their “to-do” lists, this is your month to  take it easy – maybe take a vacation or explore new ports of  call.  If Valentine’s Day finds you solo, take heart!  New  opportunities to meet a new heart-mate will be forthcoming   later in the year.
SIX  This can be a “power month” for you!  Take the lead, act  with fairness and see contracts, agreements and family   matters settled in your favor.
SEVEN This is a month of endings and completion.  Examine the  relationships in your life.  Do they need ending or repairing?  You may feel alone and misunderstood. Take time for   yourself and give yourself much-deserved TLC!
EIGHT This can be a month of new beginnings and one which is   excellent for new business or project start-ups.  Using your   leadership skills can pay off right now, but be sure to   use tact and diplomacy as well as consideration for the   needs and feelings of others.
NINE  Your month is a month of master tests.  Patience is necessary   as well as fostering an attitude of peace and harmony. As long    as you work with others with a spirit of teamwork and   cooperation, you can end up not only seeing your goals   fulfilled, but being an inspiring presence for many.
Quan Yin Midnight Meditation by Sue Halstenberg

 February Divine Guidance from My 2013 N-Sights Calendar
This month's message is from Quan Yin, the Goddess of mercy, compassion and protection.  Her name means “she who hears all prayers.”  It is said that the uttering of her name offers guaranteed protection from harm.
“Focus on letting go of struggle, anger, harsh judgments and unforgiveness.  Your power increases as you offer acceptance, love and compassion to others as well to yourself.”
Quan Yin told me to add the following to her message:

Instead of trying to do what your mind says you “should” do, tune in to your heart and do what makes it sing.  You will feel a difference, and your life will change in amazing ways.  Just as the Number Eight is really a symbol for the constant infinite flow of energy, be in the flow of life and enjoy each moment where you are taken.”

I trust that the Universe is on my side and gives me everything I need – and more! There is no need to struggle.  I am in the Divine flow of life!